
Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Birthday, Josiah!

Subtitled ,

“Mom finally gets around to posting photos of the poor, neglected middle child’s birthday.”

(Hey, I grew up being the middle child to the nth degree, so I know a little about laying on the guilt…even if Josiah hasn’t figured it all out yet.)

At the end of June, we celebrated Josiah's seventh birthday!

The day began with a phone call from Geoffrey the Giraffe...who called twice, which is why Josiah is making the funny face here.

Why are you calling me again?!?

(Seriously, we need to get caller ID so we can avoid duplicate phone calls from giraffes with creepy voices.)

His birthday present--new wheels! He has spent many happy hours riding this new bike.

He invited some friends to see the movie "Up." Grace and I stayed home, since she doesn't do well in movies yet--she would rather walk the halls and see who she can chat with. Everyone came to the house afterwards for cake

and ice cream cake (birthday boy's request)

and presents.

And Grace talked Mr. Tim into reading her a book or two. (I'm telling you, if you walk into our house and sit down for any length of time, she will appear with a small--or large--stack of books for you to read to her! Even during a party...)

Want to see some baby pictures?

Josiah at 7 months...big, chubby baby!

Josiah at 12 1/2 months, when he learned to this age, he had perpetually bruised areas on his forehead from his many misadventures. :(

Nearly 2 years old, with his "superhero" cape and his superhero stance.

Nearly 3 years old, when he constantly wore his "superhero" and his cowboy boots...

4 years old, and already looking so grown up!

Happy 7th birthday, Josiah! We love you!


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1 comment:

  1. I am so horrible, I havent been here in so long... but i have to tell you, I got a little misty-eyed over the 3 year old pic. Definitely how I remember Josiah! Always, boots and superhero cape. I love it!


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