
Sunday, November 15, 2009

Giveaway winners

With the help of my goofy lovely assistant

(That's a pink turtleneck shirt she is wearing for her "hair.")

who drew the numbers for me, I am pleased to announce this week's winners:

Congratulations! Look for an email from UPrinting on November 20th--The email will have a coded link for you to claim your prize.


For those of you who found me by way of Angie at Many Little Blessings, all of my giveaways have ended. However, I typically have giveaways each month, so you can check back again soon. You can also sign up to receive my blog posts via email by entering your email address in the little box near the top of my left sidebar. (Your email address will not be used for any other purpose except to receive future posts from this blog.)

1 comment:

  1. Well duh - if I'd checked here before I made my other comment, I would've known what time zone you're in! :) Congrats to all the winners! Great contests, Cheeky!


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