
Wednesday, August 5, 2009

You Capture: You

Or, rather, me.

This week we had to take photos of ourselves for the You Capture blog carnival hosted by Beth over at I Should Be Folding Laundry.

To which I say, "UGH."

The first one is the one that I like...

The next one...UGH.

That's it. That's the best I could do. And now you know that I have a green shower curtain in my bathroom. ;)

Check out I Should Be Folding Laundry for more You Capture participants. Next week's challenge should be fun: motion!



  1. You did a fine job! Self-portraits are so hard, and often times I can't stand mine!

    Also, your kids are adorable!!! Love their pictures in your sidebar!

  2. this was a hard one - keep snapping- it gets easier!!

  3. I like your green shower curtain. You can see the disaster of my girls' bathroom in the background of one of mine! It's hard to take pictures of yourself, but I think you did a great job.

  4. green's my favorite color!
    Self portraits are hard..they take practice. Don't be afraid to look silly! :)

  5. These are great! Yup, I agree, with self portraits you just have to practice, and then you come to love them (although a little too much sometimes...)

  6. You did a really good job!!

  7. ah, yes, me with the camera in FRONT of my face...that's my normal pose too. ;)

    You're beautiful, come out from behind the lens more often. :D

  8. Fantastic.

    And I like that green color!

  9. Good Job!!
    You did it and did it GOOD!!!! =)


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