
Thursday, June 11, 2009

You Capture: Nature


This week’s theme of the You Capture blog carnival hosted by Beth over at I Should Be Folding Laundry is Nature. These are what I have been taking pictures of this week:

The good...

Sunset after church.

The same sunset at home.

Another sunset at home.

And another sunset. I like sunsets. :)

Baby birds in a nest on our front porch.

Another nest that an ambitious (and, yes, real) bird built in the wreath on our front door. I took the nest down after posing Grace's toy bird. Because, really? Our front door?

Much-needed rain.

My morning glory bush.

Let's just call these wildflowers, okay?

The bad...

The newest ant hill after the rain.

Mean little guys...

And the ugly!

Grace's reaction after being bit by ants on Monday. What you see is from only two ant bites, and she wasn't even through reacting when I took this picture--the sites continued to swell. :(

Check out I Should Be Folding Laundry for more You Capture participants.

Click here to see my previous You Capture photos.


  1. I love those yellow wildflowers. :) All your shots are wonderful!

  2. Beautiful shots. Ouchie on the ants, though.

  3. Poor girl! Those are some wicked ants!

  4. I have passed the Honest Scrap Award on to you! Please visit my blog and then join in the fun!

  5. Nature at its best and worst. Great photos.

  6. Beautiful pictures ... but man, those ants are mean. :(


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