
Wednesday, May 6, 2009

You Capture: Expression


This week’s theme of the You Capture blog carnival hosted by Beth over at I Should Be Folding Laundry is Expression. There is a lot of drama expression that goes on around here, so where do I begin?

There is the sweet expression of my six year old:

There is our resident Cyndi Lauper performing an interpretative dance to the music coming out of a dancing bear my Dad brought us:

And the expression of absolute joy and sillyness:

And then there's the expression of happiness on my twelve year old's face as he saw his birthday present (an electric guitar!):

But can you imagine the expression on my face when I saw this in our front yard today?

I haven't yet found out what kind of snake that is...Should we be worried about this little guy? I'm hoping he's a garter snake...and that he leaves our yard quickly! :)
Check out I Should Be Folding Laundry for more You Capture participants.


  1. love her little shimmy dance and holy crap - I HATE SNAKES!!!!!

  2. Those pictures of your kiddos are adorable. I love them all. And the snake? McDaddy told me last night that they found an 11 foot boa in a tent. I shiver just thinking of it.

  3. My tummy rolled a little at the sight of a snake & it's only on my computer! I can't believe you caught a picture of it!

    The kids look thrilled ~ I love those happy grinning shots with baby teeth. It's the only thing baby left on them after they turn 3!

  4. Okay, all these lovely shots and you had to throw that snake in to scare me! lol


  5. OMG the snake. Dying over here!
    But the kiddos are adorable!

  6. I love your six year old's sweet expression! I hate snakes and have no idea what kind that is. I can just about imagine what your expression was when you saw it!! LOL

  7. Your kids are adorable! You captured their expressions perfectly. I don't know what kind of snake that is but I do not like any of them!

  8. not cool with the snake! everything else is wonderful :O). i think Cyndi better watch her step, she's about to be replaced - lol!

    my 'expression' shots are posted now also. feel free to come on over and check them out. spend a little time on my blog if you want! i love it when people come to visit :O).

  9. Hey Amy... Just to let you know that the snake is an Eastern Garter, completley harmless, we actually have two in captivity in our shed right now. They are pretty good inhabitants to have around. They eat mice and such.

    LOL... Yes, my husband and oldest son are completely crazy. So far this spring they have caught (with their bare hands) 15 various snake species.

    Come on over to my blog and I'll post the pictures of what all there is out there! You'd be amazed.

    Oh yeah, did I mention there are 2 adult Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnakes and their baby???

    I said they were crazy!

  10. roflmao, my expression would have been an "oh shit" and then I'd probably have to change my pants.

    great pictures!


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