
Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Happy birthday, Robert!

We recently celebrated Robert's twelfth birthday.

How did he get to be twelve?! It wasn't that long ago that he looked like this:

One day old. See those feet? They're bigger than mine now...

Proud Daddy!

One year old

He requested pizza for lunch, and then refused to pose. This is the typical photo I get of him these days:

He wanted pizza again for supper (Chuck E. Cheese...groan). We successfully avoided that by suggesting that if we went to Quizno's instead, we would have time to drive over to H.H. Gregg for a touchscreen MP3 player he has been saving for several months to buy. Quizno's won!

Don't feel sorry for him--He didn't mind too much...Robert loves Quizno's. Plus, the store owner gave all three kids free cookies when he found out it was Robert's birthday.

And the birthday boy bought his touchscreen MP3 player.

The cake, with way too many candles on it:

You counted them, didn't you? :)

"Happy birthday to you!"

The gift!

He had his first guitar lesson the very next day. When he came home, he practiced in the garage for hours. :)

Happy birthday, Robert!


  1. OMgoodness... they are growin up. Abby was 12 in February. :(

    Awesome gift though... wish we were closer and Eric could give him lessons. He's teaching Abby bass guitar and drums. Now wouldn't that be a fun play date???

  2. AAWW.. Robert looked the same when he was a baby. Except now he is 12 and already taller than me.

    Oh and.... Very cool guitar.


  3. I hope he had a very Happy Birthday!


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