
Thursday, April 16, 2009

You Capture: Rustic


Beth at I Should Be Folding Laundry hosts the You Capture blog carnival. Each week Beth presents a new challenge, and this week’s challenge was Rustic.

Rustic? I didn't quite know where to begin. But then I thought of my mom's little wagon that her daddy made her when she was litte. Around the age of 2 or 3, my mom gave herself a nickname..."Suzy Baby." From everything I've been told, no one really knows for sure where it came from but, shortened to "Suzy," it became the name that most family members called her.

This is the wagon my grandfather made for my mom in the 1940s.


It was either made from scraps of wood he had on hand, or he misjudged...this picture of the bottom of the wagon shows a little gap along one edge.

This is where the wagon sits 99.9% of the time: holding handmade dolls, safely tucked away in a curio cabinet next to pieces of petrified wood and other treasures.

My mother made all of these dolls at various stages of her life. She made the Holly Hobby-type doll for me for my birthday when I was around age 4 (with a matching outfit for me). She made the preemie Cabbage Patch baby for herself when I was a preteen; we affectionately referred to this doll as "E.T." because of the expression on the doll's face. She made the doll on the right, including the embroidery work for the doll's face and the doll's clothes, during her childhood.

I also found an old ice bucket and ice tongs, which belonged to my mother's maternal grandparents.

My oldest son asked, "Why does this have chicken feet on it?!" They raised chickens.

Check out I Should Be Folding Laundry for more You Capture participants.


  1. I love the ice bucket.
    The little wagon is so cute!
    Love the memories

    Great Captures

  2. Really great shots and so full of tradition! Also, I LOVE the ice tongs. They are really cool and interesting.

  3. That wagon is just so neat. I love it when family heirlooms both hold meaning and find new use today!

  4. my word, it does have chicken feet, how funny is that? i like all the things you photographed. my grandmother made dolls. i still have one that she gave me i was about 7 years old. your dolls reminded me of it. brings back good memories :O)

    i have my "rustic" shots posted, feel free to come on over to The Shadow of the Cross and visit for awhile :O)

  5. That little wagon is so cute! What a great treasure to have.

  6. I LOVE the story that goes with the wagon! nice shots too!

  7. These are all great. I love that you have a story to go with them.

  8. how special is that little wagon...I love it.

  9. I really love that wagon, what a wonderful thing to have!

  10. Great captures. It never dawned on me that I have an antique truck on a shelf that belonged to my dad when he was a kid. Darnnit. It would have made a beautiful picture. I loved all of yours and the sweet story behind each one of them.


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