
Thursday, April 30, 2009

You Capture: Joy


This is Week 10 of the You Capture blog carnival hosted by Beth over at I Should Be Folding Laundry. Each week Beth presents a new challenge and this week’s challenge was Joy.

I'm still recovering from my leg injury so I haven't been on my feet much this last week...and I couldn't exactly grab my camera every time I saw what looked like a good shot. I did hobble out to the back yard for these photos, though. I love the look on Grace's face!

And you should have seen the look of joy on Josiah's face when, after I covered up bare spots and a toy sword in the middle of this photo, I added some grassy features to the kids' faces:

I will also cheat a little and use a 3 year old photo that I recently made into a button for my sidebar. The brief story behind this photo is here. Josiah was a joy-filled little boy at age three, and he still is!

Check out I Should Be Folding Laundry for more You Capture participants.

You are welcome to grab the button off my sidebar if you like it. You should be able to right click and "Save As"; if that doesn't work, let me know!


  1. Awesome shots of your children being joyful. Child seem to embody joy more than anyone else.


  2. Oh gosh! The grass on the faces is freaky but cool! Ha! Hope your leg is ok!


  3. LOVE the editing - my kids would roar over that too!

  4. Nell is right, no one shows joy like children. I bet we won't see too many photos of adults this week :) Your kids look like they are having a blast and I am sure they enjoyed their grassy facial features. But I have to tell you, my son has never seen me edit photos before (b/c I don't know how) so he was kind of freaked out by the eyes ;)

  5. I can almost hear the giggling when you added the grass to their face!!!

  6. i love your edit job! i do stuff like that sometimes but i never save it. i really should save it - lol! great shot - thanks for sharing.

    my 'joy' shots are posted now, too. feel free to visit my page at The Shadow of the Cross.


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