
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I don't even know what to say...

I am at a loss for words. I don't know what to say about the picture I am about to show you.

Grace (3 years old)

Actually, I don't know what to say that would actually make sense and explain in a coherent way why my daughter is dressed like that. But I will try...(deep breath)

Grace was wearing one of her most favorite outfits--a little dress and her favorite tights with flowers (pink flowers) on the sides and a grass stain on the knee. Then she decided to dress up like "May-ree" (as in Jesus' mother) so she added a pink baby blanket clipped over her head; that slid down to around her neck, at which point she decided to cover her head with a winter hat. That's baby Jesus she is holding, and I guess she's showing baby Jesus how to play on her computer...

While tilting her head.

Just a typical day around here... :)


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1 comment:

  1. That is the sweetest thing I think I have ever seen a winter hat used for. EVER. LOL

    She and Bekah would have a blast. Between the two of them, we would definitely have our hands full.


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