
Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Wordless Wednesday: My Baby Girl

OK, I have to share not one, but two photos today. These were taken in 2006 when little Grace was really little and a mere 3 months old. Doesn't she look like a little doll?

And this was taken a few moments later, when she was laughing her head off at one of her brothers.

Grace (age 2) will look at photos of herself as a baby, and I ask her, "Who is that?" She always answers, "Dat me!" Then she pauses for a moment and asks, "And what was my name den?"
Visit 5 Minutes for Mom or Wordless Wednesday for more Wordless Wednesday participants.


  1. Simply adorable! I miss the baby days! Thanks for stopping by my blog for W.W.!

    Jen from
    Creative and Curious Kids!

    also at:
    God's Shining Stars


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