
Monday, February 16, 2009

Skateboard, Dude!

Here is our resident skateboard dude rotating around in a circle...with the skateboard upside down. This is called a Casper (I know because I asked him).

And now I understand why the skateboard is chipped at both the "nose" and the "tail." (See? I do know some skateboarding terms without having to ask Robert about it. I still feel like I have to put 'em in quotes, but I know them.)



"Did you get the picture?"

I think Robert actually said that the caption for this should be, "I didn't do it the right way." But I was impressed. He was off the ground, after all.

Oh, and that was an Ollie. I know because I asked him. ;)


  1. I was impressed to!!


  2. I am very impressed. Tyler is a huge skate fanatic. Hopefully Robert hasn't gotten to the point where he comes in injured and PROUD! LOL... We get that alot.


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